It’s About Balance of the Mind, Body and Environment
Taking Skin care and wellness to the next level
We at Synergy Spa & Wellness help you reach YOUR unique and optimal potential. There is a delicate, yet very powerful relationship between your body, your mind, and the environment. To achieve total wellness, there must be balance in this relationship. We live in a world of constant stress. A health crisis, obesity, toxins in air and water (the two essentials for life), bankrupt food, stress with finances and life stages are just a few of the issues that can create imbalance for you. Total wellness is a different way of looking at ‘health in general. It focuses on BALANCE. Here at Synergy Spa & Wellness, balance in physical health is our goal. We strive to inspire you with passion, patience and perseverance to help you reach your goals.
All About Synergy
“There is a beautiful relationship between body, mind and environment. Understand and use it to your advantage to enjoy life to the fullest.”
All About Your Skin
“Find your Balance and Be-You-ty, because you are unique! Your skin is a showcase of your health and stress level.”
All About Wellness
“Wellness is a state of being; the rest follows naturally! We can help you create a wellness home so that you can achieve a healthy physical balance.”